Monthly Archives: October 2015

Cheap traders insurance policies

Cheap traders insurance policies is a great way for younger drivers to get cover

Cheap traders insurance policies is a great way for younger drivers to get cover

Cheap traders insurance policies

Your search for cheap traders insurance policies online has nearly come to an end. We can source the correct amount of cover for your motor trade business quickly and efficiently thanks to an historic database of claims, matching your vehicle data and through working with the top insurance providers in the UK. Running a business in the motor trade is not cheap and is costly. With overheads for fuel, staffing, tools and equipment, alongside with ongoing maintenance of vehicles, saving money on cheap motor traders insurance policies should be a priority for all. Though the monthly premiums provide additional peace of mind in knowing you can keep your business running and fleet on the road, you shouldn’t have to pay through the nose for the right amount of cover. Be assured that no matter whether you run a breakdown recovery service, offer motorcycle repairs, operate an MOT Centre or simply work part time. Our specialists brokers stand ready to help drive down your business costs overnight.


At Evans and Lewis we have the expertise and knowledge that assists in driving down the cost of cheap traders insurance policy premiums when compared to your current documents and other quotes you may have been offered. We do this by ensuring you take all measures at your disposal to reduce the possibility of needing to make a claim. With tips and advice on which premises to register your policy from, where best to park vehicles overnight or longer term. Whether to use additional locks and security with tracking devices on trucks and cars, as well as lock ups, floodlighting and if affordable, the presence of security guards too. Often further discounts can be applied by simply taking on board a range of equipment such as telematics devices, dashboard cams and insurer software to better manage your fleet of vehicles. Take into consideration also that if you have buildings insurance under a different document, premiums can usually be lowers id you purchase cheaper combined motor trade insurance instead.


You are required by law to take out an insurance policy for all road risks and numerous other aspects but the many cheap traders insurance policies available online tend to cut corners. We assess your insurance risk from top to bottom, including the essential and only ever removing particulars that you’ll never need. Such as only offering low mileage cover, the correct class of goods In Transit insurance and removing European breakdown recovery if you never leave the UK. It’s easier to allow us to compares cheap traders insurance policies as we understand fully the intricacies of each business model and the possible claims that may be made against you or by your company. You will still be supported by a 24 hour claims line and a full legal team to act as both prosecution and defence no matter how much was shave off your current annual premiums , cheap traders insurance policies  are an excellent solution


Should you hire drivers under 25, with criminal convictions, require buildings insurance and employer’s liability insurance, indemnity cover and public liability. This can all be included an the cheap traders insurance policies. We will endeavour to protect your personal no claims bonuses, ensure multiple driver cover and with thorough research and lesser excesses leave your business safe and sound with no surprise legal expenses on the horizon. Most types of vehicles can be covered, even if mixed and flexible payments can be offered by most insurers. To get the best and most cheap traders insurance policies and quotes get in touch today by completing our quick enquiry form and we will call back at your earliest convenience.

Under 25 traders insurance

Under 25 traders insurance is ideal for young people in trade

Under 25 traders insurance is ideal for young people in trade

Under 25 traders insurance

Seeking out the best monthly premiums for under 25 traders insurance can be a tiresome ordeal. As a motor trader you already face the prospect of paying thousands of pounds for a policy that enables you to see out your daily tasks unhindered. The ability to drive almost any goods vehicle, to be covered for all situations and road risks. But if you’re under 25, traders insurance quotes can either be unattainable or at best prohibitively expensive. At Evans and Lewis we operate in a similar fashion to most other insurance providers and brokers with one exception, we don’t give up. Thanks to our long history in supplying motor trade insurance for under 25s we have formed special relationships with the top insurers in the country. With access to specialist underwriters who understand your business inside and out. Spending that extra day or two working to calculate risks taking into account your personal driving history and the needs of your business.


Like any motor traders insurance it encompasses a whole swathe of documents under one policy. While we will find the cheapest under 25 traders insurance quote for you, it will match your business needs to a tee. No matter whether you wish to run an MOT Centre, offer bodyshop repairs, restore high end cars or are a windscreen fitter. The typical policy covers all road risks, also required by law are employer’s liability insurance should you have staff under you wing and for work carried out, the correct amount sums insured for serving indemnity. If you are a collector and restorer and buy second hand cars you’ll also be covered for sales of goods which insures you against claims for personal injury after the car is received by the buyer. Motor trade insurance under 25 can also contain material damage clauses for claims on buildings, contents, tools and vehicles. With all the usual breakdown recovery, limited mileage discounts and Goods in Transit cover included as required. We compare under 25 traders insurance premiums for all these aspects and more.


Rightly or wrongly, the stats don’t lie when comparing under 25 traders insurance claims from an historic perspective. The likelihood of accidents occurring in this age group is high. Our dedicated staff do not treat all applicants the same. You are an individual with perhaps a no claims bonus, no criminal driving faults or penalty points. You may even have advanced driving courses under your belt. That said, most insurers will still try to install restrictions in your policy but it is our job to fight them on those aspects and prove your driving ability. Success at securing the cheap under 25 traders insurance may come with assurances for the policy providers. Such as telematics, dashboard cams and if running a fleet, software to help in driving routes, driver training, vehicle maintenance and fuel consumption. Why? Because not only will they come to understand how good a driver you are through tracking. But because they have access to vehicle claims histories going back decades, they know the parts which are most likely to expire and over which time period.


For the cheapest but best under 25 traders insurance policy quote, complete our brief enquiry form and we’ll get back to you at your earliest convenience. We will not rest until we have exasperated all possible avenues to deliver the cheapest motor trade quote, whether you are a part time car valeter, involved in vehicle delivery or an entrepreneur wishing to run your own forecourt and car showroom. There’s an under 25 traders insurance policy waiting to have your name and business scribed on the front. Call us now for the quickest and cheapest cover.

Combined motor trade insurance under 25

Combined motor trade insurance under 25 helps younger drivers in get on with their jobs

Combined motor trade insurance under 25 helps young people in Business

Combined motor trade insurance under 25

 What are the options?

 Combined motor trade insurance under 25. Where can I get it. Congratulations you may have just earned monumental savings on your multiple policy cover simply for asking what is combined motor trade insurance? Why, because your are provided discounts by merging your policy documents and monthly premiums into one single document. A combined motor trade insurance is one that takes into account all road risks cover and buildings insurance too. As well as all the liabilities and indemnities your business needs while reducing costs on both. No two motor trader requirements are the same, the more information you provide the higher the likelihood we can reduce your costs when it comes to payment of monthly premiums. Don’t ask what is combined motor trade insurance, instead enquire as to what is the best combined motor trade insurance under 25 that you can get today!

Are you still asking “What is combined motor trade insurance under 25 ?” In short, if a vehicle collides with one of yours on the road, you’re covered. If a vehicle hits a wall of your building and causes damage, you’re insured. Should an accident involving an employee or member of the public happen on the road or at your place of work, again you’re covered. The simplicity is in the ability to call one claims line, make one reduced premium payment and have a fully responsive legal team no matter which incident occurs. Knowing instantly who to call and who to trust to act in your best interests. If you have a fleet of multiple type vehicles, have a single MOT centre or 200 showrooms, attend breakdowns or provide a valet service, our policies cover your exact business activity.

So please stop asking what is combined motor trade insurance under 25  and call us straight away and shout what is the cheapest motor trade insurance we can provide? After which you will enquire “how on earth can you offer such a low quote?” Because it’s combined and thanks to the close relationship we have with underwriters at the UK’s top insurers, we can narrow down policy clauses and get discounts on what you need and cut out the parts, such as European breakdown cover, additional classes for Goods In Transit and build in any young drivers insurance too. You don’t need separate documentation for premises, road risks, tool theft or indemnity. We are adept at not only ensuring you know exactly what is combined motor trade insurance but at delivering low mileage cover, more discounts with telematics and dashboard cam installation too. Now you have the answer to “What is combined motor trade insurance under 25 ?” Let us take care of all the details, work non stop today on your behalf to deliver the cheapest motor trade insurance that covers buildings insurance, all road risks and reduces your annual premiums in an instant.

Cheap Motor Trade Insurance

A Driver out on the open Road

A Driver out on the open Road. Cheap motor trade insurance is not easy to find.

Cheap motor trade insurance . How do I find it.

Cheap motor trade Insurance in a must whether you’ve been in the motor trade for years or are a new start up, everyone asks how to find cheap motor trade insurance quotes online at some point but not nearly enough. While you are kept busy managing your business, you may have failed to realise your MOT garage or haulage company has morphed. Is your current insurance policy adequate? Contracts may change, Goods in Transit class different, misold European breakdown recovery or it’s no longer required. Perhaps you have new and different vehicles which could be under one policy or you moved into new premises from being a part time mechanic. Has your current motor trade insurance broker done you justice?

You should compare cheap motor trade insurance quotes at least twice a year to get the most from the savings that insurers offer from time to time. Often an insurer will provide cheaper premiums for motor trade businesses to a new customer to attract new custom, this is something you can take great advantage of by switching between providers regularly. Do you think your national and local competitors have asked how to find a cheap motor trade insurance policy which is best for them? Have you considered that having done so, they have been able to lower their overheads and pass on savings to their clients in the form of cheaper transportation fees and ability to pay their staff more? Cheaper premiums allow you to put money where it should be going rather than insurance cover that no longer serves its purpose.

Getting lost in a quagmire of search results is not the best way for you to discover how to find cheap motor trade insurance quotes online. As soon as you make contact we do all the hard graft on your behalf. Being specialists in the motor trade sector, we can discern your exact business requirements and match policy details to a tee. Ensuring the correct amount of employer’s liability, all road risks, buildings insurance, Goods In Transit cover and offering advice on postcode registration, parked up security and local mileage discounts. The simplest and quickest way to find cheaper motor trade insurance premiums is to enlist the services of the professionals at Evans and Lewis. Don’t settle for a broker that forgets who you are after a week. We will endeavour to ensure you are always receiving the cheapest yet best motor trade insurance policy for your business. For more tips and advice on how to find cheap motor trade insurance quotes online, fill out our quick enquiry form and we’ll get in touch straight away.

Traders insurance . How to save money

Traders Insurance is required If you are setting up a business that buys and sell cars. You will require motor trade insurance to cover you and your customers vehicles. If you are poroviding general motor services such as MOT and servicing work then you will need to cover your customer cars whilst they are in your premises. The vehicle that you have will need to be covered against damage and theft. the best ways to save money is to get several quotes from different brokers. Ofen enough you will be asked what is your best price. It is best to be honest in this situation as if you provide a figure that is inconsistant with the risk then the broker know that you are not providing the correct information.

Traders Insurance for all elements of the trade

Traders Insurance for all elements of the trade

Ensure that you have all the information to hand when you are  looking for a quote as the brokers time is valuable and he or she will not want to waste any time whilst you look for information when quoting your traders insurance . Be sure to exactly establish want level of cover that you need. Finding a cheap policy can take some time as you will need to run through the details with at least 3 brokers and then you can compare one rate againt another.  If you are looking to cover the premises and have  employees then you will need a combined motor trade policy that covers the staff, the building and public liability aswell. Employers liability is general around £10 million which is standard in the industry and this will be included within the traders insurance policy . We hope this information is helpful in finding cheaper insurance for your business. Another factor that is very critial when looking for a policy is your post code and the number of drivers that you have employed.  Obviously you cannot alter your post code but you can start with a small number of drivers and increase this with time.

Traders Insurance for young drivers under 25

Traders insurance for young drivers  

motor trade insurance under 25

Comparing Traders insurance for young drivers quotes online should be a priority for all entrepreneurs entering the motor trade market. Even more so for those who have been trading a while and been stuck with the same insurance policy for years. Hiring new staff that are under  25 should encourage you to shop around for the best traders insurance for young drivers, possibly saving you hundreds or thousands of pounds a year. Circumstances can change rapidly over the course of a few months in this trade, new employees, additional vehicles, new services requiring indemnity cover and Goods In Transit clauses that change on a per contract basis. Staying in contact with your broker or seeking out cheaper young drivers traders insurance annually will ensure your business is covered and the lowest premiums are attained.

Because Traders insurance for young drivers policy documents are a niche concept with young drivers rightly or wrongly perceived as being a high risk group. You need a specialist traders insurance broker with the knowledge on not only how to lower costs but ways to ensure your motor trade business, vehicles, premises and employees are protected from liabilities. We can provide this service in several ways. Our historic database of claims matches your exact business and vehicle type to return an instant quote on traders insurance for young drivers. We instinctively know your vehicle’s labour costs, parts replacements and faults and how much your vehicle will be worth if needed to be replaced. With the basics covered, we then dissect your business activities, whether operating breakdown recovery services, are a valet, run an MOT centre or a showroom. Further ensuring all public liabilities and cover for theft and break downs are fully insured for the correct sums valued.

Buying into the cheapest Traders insurance for young drivers quotes online is not always ideal. You need to find the best at the lowest price. You need to consider if you require European breakdown recovery and green card, if have a mixed fleet then these should be under one policy to save money. Which class of Goods In Transit cover do you require and that all road risks are enabled. Alongside indemnities for work carried out, employer’s liabilities and prevention rather than reaction to health and safety issues with employees. Insurer supplied telematics, fleet management software and dashboard cams can help lower premiums and additional security measures on site also. For the best Traders insurance under 25 and  for young drivers quotes, enquire today. Age is not as much a restriction as it used to be, though still a challenge if under 21 we are here to assist in getting you covered appropriately and efficiently.

Mistakes People Make When Buying Motor Trade Insurance

mistakes people make when buying motor trade insurance

When you’re buying motor trade insurance, what do you really want? An excellent service, low premiums, guidance, advice and a fast settlement of your claims in the event that you suffer a loss? So many people often make the mistake of not demanding all of this from their provider or insurance broker.

The first mistake people often make in regards to motor trade insurance is not shopping around. If their current provider does an OK job they generally can’t be bothered to shop around for alternative providers. This can be understandable, though, due to the purchase of insurance being deemed as a long and tedious process. Failing to shop around though can mean you are losing out on a huge saving on your premiums.

The insurance industry isn’t different to any other industry in the sense that it is highly competitive. This means that insurance brokers and providers are incredibly keen for you to take out your coverage with them and will offer you extremely good deals in comparison to your current insurance provider. If your current provider doesn’t provide you with all the benefits we listed above, consider taking 10 minutes out of your day to speak to another provider or broker as it could be the best 10 minutes you spend all year!

Even people who do shop around for the best deals on their motor trade insurance make mistakes though. Many people make the mistake of not disclosing their current premiums. People generally believe that if you disclose your premium you will not get the best price. In reality it works out the total opposite because if an insurance company doesn’t have a price that they have to beat, they will not give you their best price. So if you’re shopping around and someone asks what your current premium is, tell them!

Another mistake people make when shopping around for motor trade insurance is that they base their decision solely on price. This is especially true at the moment as every penny counts. When shopping for traders insurance (link), you should not only ask what the premium is, but what the policy also covers, what credit rating does the provider or broker have and also how much experience do they have in providing and dealing with motor trade insurance.

Follow these tips and you should find that sorting out your next insurance policy is a more pleasant experience and also a less costly one!