Monthly Archives: January 2016

Cheap car trade insurance

Cheap car trade insurance

Traders can get instant cover on a range of cheap car trade insurance policies tailored to their motor business niche. When buying and selling cars as a part time antique car restorer, having multiple car showrooms or flipping cars via Autotrader and simply acting as a middle man, you need a trader’s licence. With that comes additional insurance responsibilities and a low cost trade insurance policy document is the main coverage that you should be seeking out. For more information world wide click the link. Comparing any type of cover online is made easier thanks to our specialist brokers who not only know your business inside and out but have a great relationship with the country’s top underwriters in your field.


This enables us to tailor policy parts towards part time traders, car mechanics and restorers, truly drilling down on essential cover, chopping up anything left over. Some brokers tend to begin a cheap car trade insurance policy by working backwards. For instance where you need a certain sums value of liability insurance, they might leave you wanting in the event of a claim just to make the policy cost less. Perhaps your indemnity cover won’t be sufficient for work on certain high end luxury vehicles or for transporting leaving you unable to take on more profitable custom. It is always advisable to seek out the best and not the cheapest car trade insurance. You can get both but ensure the coverage for all road risks, premises, employer liability and public liability covers all aspects.

Cheap car trade insurance

Cheap car trade insurance

Cheap car trade insurance for under 25s

When receiving vehicles you are reselling, driving to and from locations and with customers visiting your home or business premises you should consider the fall out if an accident or collision occurs on the way on the highway or with a building. Third party cover for buildings damage and all road risks can be applied. To really get the cost down click now  or visit Evans   and Lewis. Indemnity insurance is also paramount for those applying repairs to vintage cars or modifying engines for resale while offering any warranties in conjunction with a car manufacturer.  Our brokers don’t concentrate on ensuring you get the most cheap car trade insurance, what matter is that you get the best type of car trade cover for your situation.

Car traders insurance advice

Car traders insurance advice

The insurance business is forever evolving. Advancements in car technology, new means of driver monitoring software and telematics ever present. Tip top car traders insurance advice is at a premium. Seriously, some time you have to pay to get professional assistance. There’s a trend today to make information open source which is why we accept calls from the general public with regards to any and all trade insurance problems. Our specialist brokers are trained and constantly renewing their knowledge on current market activity, enabling them to offer the best car insurance tips for free. In return we hope our good will results in you remembering our company and colleagues come renewal time.

Traders insurance new starts

Car traders insurance advice for salesrooms

Car traders insurance advice

Car traders insurance advice for garages

Help and assistance has predominantly been the mainstay of the insurance industry over the years. With 24 hour claims and help lines enabled across most vehicle insurers. Those whom offer car trade insurance advice before a sale and make the effort to go beyond the call of duty, like ourselves, are rare.Car traders Insurance advice helps new start operators get itb right from the outset.  Our tips begin with articles online on how to save money, get a better deal. While it’s illegal to game the insurance system with the wrong details, it is possible to work around certain issues. We consider security, maintenance, training schedules and monitoring equipment to be essential in lowering the cost of trader’s car insurance.

Car traders insurance advice. Getting the best Deal

First and foremost we ask you what car traders insurance advice you have found to be invaluable. there are general topics such as directing a buyer to combined trade insurance if they have a building to insure, or working with insurers to get under 25’s or those with criminal convictions insured. See more information in the trade publications. There are are also little tips that aid in lowering premiums simply by getting that MOT check done early, combining no claims bonuses amongst your staff or fitting an additional floodlight or dummy camera.  The best car trader’s tips can really be that simple. Don’t delay, got a query about some mumbo jumbo technical term dished out by another broker? Give us a call and get straight talking car trader’s insurance advice direct from the most helpful brokers in the country.

Traders insurance new starts

Traders insurance new starts

Traders insurance new starts allows younger individuals entering the automotive industry to get the necessary cover for their own vehicles and customer vehicles.  In certain family situations the parent of the younger person can be named on the policy as well as the young person.  Normally the most cost effective solution is the Trader insurance new starts policy will just cover road risk  and provide demonstration cover.  In time, the indiviual may require additional cover for his employees and buildings.  Good advice to someone thinking of starting in the motor trade would be to create a detailed cost annalysis on a spread sheet, showing the cash flow over the forthcoming twelve months.


Traders insurance new starts

Traders insurance new starts

There are an array of additional policies that can be added on, such as, accident and sickness cover and public liability.  Obviously when setting out with this type of business, cash flow is king and so, finding a policy with stage payments is often a good solution.  When looking for Traders insurance new starts, be sure to establish the exact finance rates as sometimes these are not clear from the outset. For operators licences go to the goverment site.

If you are looking to have a motor trade business with premises then you will need to get annual inspections on the lifting equipment, ramps and compressors.  The cost of this can be rolled into your policy at the beginning or it can done separately and you pay the provider directly.  It is normal to have demonstration cover, which allows you and your customers to drive the vehicles whilst on a test drive.  As your business grows any additional drivers can be added but there will be an individual premium for each extra person.  Traders insurance new starts would normally take third party fire and theft for the first twelve months in order to keep the cost to a minumum.


Cheap motor trade insurance deals

Cheap motor trade insurance deals

If you are starting out in the motor trade then you will find it a bewildering challenge when looking at motor trade insurance. On solution is to approach a specialist broker like Evans and Lewis and they can help you through the mindfield and move you towards some cheap motor trade insurance deals.

Some insurers will ask you for a deposit up front and some will offer part payment now and part in a month. It is wise to get as much advice  as possible when looking for  cheap motor trade insurance deals.  Some people say that cheap is not always the best however, when looking for insurance it be be wise as it is a legal requirement.

cheap motor trade insurance deal

cheap motor trade insurance deal

Once you have you policy then you will be given log in codes so that you can update your vehilces on line. A goodway to check your vehicles is  by visiting the ask MID website and then seeing if your vehicle is on. It i safest to check what service is available when looking for a cheap motor trade insurance deal. If you ahve any quereis then please call Evans and Lewis on 01782 660590.



Combined motor trade insurance online quote

Combined motor trade insurance online quote

Increasingly we are finding that existing traders are getting combined motor trade insurance online quotes to compare the whole market at one point. The market was traditionally dominated by one or two players, however, these days the market has fragmented and nowadays there are a number of smaller insurers that are becoming much more competitive so that more options are available for the customers. Being that some traders now increasingly search the market so that they get the best deal in the market, it is easy to reduce your premiums over time.

The market for some young drivers has been reduced of late as certain insurers have pulled away from this sector and focussed on other areas. The Combined motor trade insurance online quote facility allows younger drivers to access whatever quotes are available. Some insurers will specilaise in auto electricians and body repairs wheras other will do serving and MOT stations.   Certain motor traders have petrol sales included in policy and this will require the underwriter to include this item on cover.

Combined motor trade insurance online quotes for new starts businesses are becoming hard to find as most insurers would like to see a trader operate on a road risk first and then upgrade to a full combined at a later date. When initilally getting a quote some companies will allow car bonus to use as a discount for the policy. It may also be possible to get a price reduction if the employee has been working and that it is possible to get aleeter to state that he or she has been claims free for 2 or more years.

Nowadays combined motor trade insurance online quote can cover the the employees and the the directors . The main owners of the business will be covered for public liabiliy and employers liability can also be included, it is also possible to include the whole building on the policy so that in the event of fire or a flood the owner will be paid out to get the repairs down

Combined motor trade insurance online quote

Combined motor trade insurance online quote